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Here you can find informative our latest news, achievements as well as finding information about chlorine, salt, freshwater pools systems, their comparisons, which is more dangerous than the other and which system will suit you best.
At the same time we also compare which swimming pool filter saves you more water and money annually, or the hazardous materials or compounds that are used.
With a freshwater pool you don’t have to worry about any chemicals in your swimming pool since our natureswim freshwater system is 100 x stronger than chlorine and 1000x faster at killing bacteria compared to chlorine. With such extraordinary results it even passed New Zealand’s water drinking standards!
Together with our partners we have over 200 Years of combined experience in the research, development and manufacturing of the highest quality innovative pool products.
Poolnologies strive to develop environmentally friendly, energy efficient and water conserving freshwater pool systems for the pool industry to help our environment and become more sustainable for a better future, while eliminating chemicals from swimming pools and keeping your children safe from toxic chemical baths.