AOP Freshwater Pool System


what is AOP and when will we get it?

AOP - Advanced Oxidation Process. Can this process help you to manage swimming pool water quality better? Yes. AOP and the oxidizing potential of "hydroxyl radicals" is probably the most powerful process that you are currently not utilizing to your advantage in your swimming pool. This, mostly, is due to the relatively new application of AOP for water treatment systems which was first defined in 1987. We are just starting to see the emergence of AOP into Freshwater Swimming Pool water management, and it is highly likely that these systems will grow in popularity for residential swimming pool applications. 

Salt water chlorinators were invented and in use for over 30 years before they even really started to catch on. It was not until the technology was over 40 years old it actually took off and gained widespread interest from residential pool owners. If AOP Freshwater Swimming Pool System follows a similar timeline then it might be 2040 before AOP it’s found in the "average" backyard swimming pool. The challenge is that the process of AOP is complicated and relatively rare in swimming pool applications. The average pool guy does not know much about "radical chemistry" which deals with unstable and chemically reactive electrons and really cool chemistry. You do not need to be a chemist to understand how AOP can be used to treat a Freshwater Swimming Pool - Here is some essential (simplified) information and definitions that you will need to know more about if you want to learn about AOP and the potential of hydroxyl radicals for water treatment:

  • Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) -  Treatment processes designed to remove organic material from water 

  • Hydroxyl Radicals - Highly reactive and unstable chemical species that is the most widespread oxidizer in the lower earth's atmosphere 

  • Oxidation / Reduction Potential - ORP is the measurement of a chemicals tendency to acquire electrons, measured in Volts (or mV)

Poolnologies is an innovator in AOP Freshwater Pool Technology, and will continue to develop and improve the Environmentally friendly technology.  

Poolnologies has also invested in research and development in the U.K, Italy, Sweden and Thailand together with installation and testing,  followed by certifications and approvals to ensure quality of operations. 

Want to know more about our NatureSwim Freshwater Pool System? Click here to find out more about the benefits of a Freshwater Pool System. It’s PURE & SIMPLE.


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